ID lists > errorcodes

Error codeMeaning
1Required field missing or empty value:
2Value too low or string too short:
3Value too high or string too long:
4Illegal format in field:
5Not enough items defined in:
6Too many items defined in:
7Shop URL is not a valid URL
8Only allowed for distribution partners
9Value not found or allowed
10Required item missing:
11Client name resembles existing client name
12Requested user login is invalid
13No possible housenumber found in address
14Out of allowed range
15Webhook event type not known
16No valid items found
17Given element is already used in another active process
50Alias not allowed
51Could not send platform update:
52Shop is not allowed for manual import
53Not possible to import
99Data error
100Carrier not available
101Carrier not available
102Carrier does not provide pickup points functionality
103Given pickup point id does not exist
104Carrier is not available in given country
105Carrier in rulebook is not valid
106The given servicelevel is not valid
107The given option is not valid
108Carrier not available, choose another for this shipment
109Carrier module not available
110Carrier does not ship to given country
111Could not calculate rate
112No available servicelevels found
113No map lookup in carrier found
114Shipment option contains invalid value or is not defined
115No return option available
200Shipment already exists
201Shipper address is invalid
202Address country not found
203Address store problem
204Shipment service conflict
205Only 1 servicelevel allowed
206Only 1 option allowed
207Conflicting options
208Shipment reference not found
209Invalid country code:
210A distribution partner cannot send shipments
220Country is not in ISO3 format
221No possible zipcode result could be found
222Shipment is OnHold
223Sender address not found
224Recipient address not found
225Not enough items for customs
226No valid tracking id or label found
227Shipment skipped by rulebook rule
228Shipment items customstype mismatch
229No shipments without errors to create a label
294Shipment is not pre-alerted
295Shipment busy in other process
296Shipment is a sub-colli, please edit parent
297Shipment already pre-alerted
298Shipment was not found
299Shipment storage problem, shipment not stored
500Label could not be generated:
501The carrier does not support the requested label type.
502Label type not available for this shipment
503Label data was requested in pre-alert in different format
504No label data found
505Rulebook error found while storing, please check RulesResult for errors.
506Illegal RulePosition
507Key is not found
508Item already exists
509Updatesystem not found
510Carrier label API error
900API work in progress.
901No valid items found for processing.
902No process running.
903Could not determine price (can have several reasons).
904Process was terminated, please contact support.
905Carrier module error, please contact support.
906Issue while sending updates to shop backend.
907Maximum allowed concurrent processes reached
950Could not contact emailserver so send your email
951Email server is reporting errors when sending
952Carrier API error. Please try again in a few minutes
999Critical internal issue, cannot continue with request. Please contact support.